Instructions for fitting and maintenance of natural stone:

  1. The surface to be plated must be non-deformable, dry, fixed and clean. It cannot be mounted on a surface without adhesion. The adhesive must be applied evenly on the surface of the entire board, so that, when it is pressed, the excess adhesive flows from under the board.

  2. We recommend using a natural stone adhesive that is elastic and resistant to frost. The place where the tiles were mounted must be protected from rain until the adhesive dries completely.

  3. If the tiles are to be fitted properly, it is recommended to wait 24 hours from the floor or wall cladding. Freshly filled joints will be protected from the direct action of sunlight, wind, rain and frost.

  4. The stone slabs must be protected from rain at least 24 hours before mounting. The plates must be mounted at temperatures between 5oC and 25oC.

  5. PIATRA DESIGN, does not assume responsibility in case of improper fitting and maintenance of stone slabs.

  6. It is mandatory to apply a waterproofing solution for natural stone, after installing the tiles.

  7. We recommend that the installation be performed by qualified personnel in the field.

Useful information before fitting / assembly:

Natural stone slabs are often packed in very tight crates, being wet at the time of production and packaging and may have traces of dirt due to the various finishing processes they have undergone. Therefore, it is recommended that the natural stone tiles be washed, either with clean water or a professional cleaning solution and allowed to dry completely before installation. As it dries, they lighten in color.

The plates must be dried before installation so that any plates with small defects are placed in areas with low visibility or used for cutting. When installing, always make sure that the natural stone slabs are mixed to ensure consistency in installation and installation, if there are such variations. This means opening all the crates and all the pallets in the material delivered before installation. All boards must be unpacked, and the installer must be aware of your mounting requirements. Minor damage such as cracking / pinching of the edges is often caused by packing and unpacking the boards and this is normal, the boards being used for cutting or in areas with low visibility during the installation process. The installation of the boards starts from the center of the room, and the boards must be dry to avoid any inappropriate cuts or to match the putty layer for the uneven boards. Uncalibrated natural stone slabs should be chosen and marked before installation; thinner tiles will dictate the level of the floor and the first ones should be installed being raised with a suitable adhesive for the large format floor.

The dimensions presented are nominal and there may be small variations in size and thickness for most floor tiles. The support surface on which the floor is mounted should be uniform, level, clean, dry, without traces of dust, grease or dirt. Make sure that you have previously talked to those who install the floor and that they are familiar with the products they are going to install and know your expectations.

Adhesive used in the installation of natural stone:

Adhesive – KALEKIM 1054 Technoflex / 25kg (recommended for heated floors)

Description: Flexible adhesive based on high performance white cement, with extended open time and reduced slip, for ceramic tiles and natural stone. Areas of application: Interior and exterior floors and walls for gluing all types and sizes of ceramic tiles, natural stone, marble, granite, ceramics, clinker; Gluing tiles on existing ceramic tiles, granite. Gluing the tiles on the walls covered with paint or plaster. Bonding ceramic tiles in swimming pools, basins and other wet places; Gluing tiles on terraces and balconies; Gluing the tiles in places where sudden temperature changes occur; Gluing the boards in places subject to heavy traffic, such as shopping malls, hospitals, schools. Properties: Perfect grip. Very deformable, resistant to thermal shocks. It can be applied on vertical surfaces, even for gluing heavy boards. Packaging – Storage: In multilayer paper bags of 25 Kg each. Store in a dry environment. Do not stack more than 10 bags on top of each other. Technical Properties: (At 23 ° C and 50% relative humidity) General data: Appearance: gray or white powder; Shelf life: 12 months, when stored in the original sealed package in a dry place. Application Data: Application temperature: (+ 5 ° C) – (+ 35 ° C); Mixing ratio: 6-7.5 liters of water / 25 kg of powder; Working time: Approx. 6 hours; Sliding (EN 1308): ≤ 0.5 mm; Open time (EN 1346): After 30 minutes ≥ 0.5 N / mm² Grouting: 8 hours on the wall; > 24 hours on the floor; Consumption: 3-5 kg ​​/ m². Performance data: Stretch resistance (EN 1348) initially (after 28 days): ≥ 1 N / mm² after heat exposure: ≥ 1 N / mm² after immersion in water: ≥ 1 N / mm² after freeze / thaw cycles: ≥ 1 N / mm² Deformability (EN 12002): ≥ 2.5 mm-S1 deformable Service interval Temperature (after final hardening): (-40 ° C) – (+ 80 ° C) Hazardous substances (EN 12004): Conforms Reaction to fire: A1


Application instructions: Surfaces must be clean, free of oil / grease stains and sufficiently dry. Cement-based substrates must be sufficiently hardened; Use TAMIRART or MASTAR 10 in case of uneven substrates to obtain a clean and flat surface. Use GYPSASTAR on anhydrite screeds; Wipe the back of the boards with water if it is dusty; Slowly pour 25 kg of TECHNOFLEX in 6-7.5 liters of clean water and mix to obtain a homogeneous paste. It is recommended to mix at low speed. Do not add any additives that are not mentioned in the application instructions; Leave to mature for 5-10 minutes. After 1-2 minutes of remixing, the paste is ready to apply; Spread the adhesive on the substrate with a trowel with teeth of a size appropriate to the size of the tiles. To obtain a good adhesion, first apply a thin layer of TECHNOFLEX with the flat part of the trowel, then cut with the toothed part;


When applying large boards (larger than 40×40 cm), on existing boards or those that are subject to frost or heavy traffic, TECHNOFLEX must also be applied on the back of the boards. (Combined method); Open time is 30 minutes. Install the plates during this period with pressure. Unfavorable weather conditions (high temperature, low humidity, wind, etc.) can reduce this time by up to a few minutes. If this period is exceeded, clean and discard the adhesive; Discard the adhesive whose working time has expired. Clean tools and hands with water, surfaces with a damp cloth; Plates installed with TECHNOFLEX must not be submerged for at least 24 hours. Warnings: Because it contains cement, it is irritating to the eyes, respiratory system and skin. For more information, see the safety data sheet; The consumption indicated is a general information. It can be changed depending on the application conditions and the surface properties. Quality Documents: TS EN 12004, class C2TE S1 C: based on cement 2: improved T: reduces slipping E: extended open time S1: deformable


Adhesive – Kalekim 1055 Granitech / 25 kg Description: Flexible adhesive based on high performance white cement, with extended open time and reduced slip, for ceramic tiles and natural stone. Areas of application: Interior and exterior floors and walls for gluing all types and sizes of ceramic tiles, natural stone, marble, granite, ceramics, clinker; Gluing the tiles on existing ceramic tiles, marble; Gluing the boards in places subject to heavy traffic, such as shopping malls, hospitals, schools. Properties: Perfect grip Very flexible, resistant to temperature changes. It can be applied on vertical surfaces, even for gluing heavy boards without letting go. Packaging – Storage: In multilayer paper bags of 25 Kg each. Store in a dry environment. Do not stack more than 10 bags on top of each other. Technical Properties: (At 23 ° C and 50% relative humidity) General data: Appearance: gray or white powder; Shelf life: 12 months, when stored in the original sealed package in a dry place. Application Data: Application temperature: (+ 5 ° C) – (+ 35 ° C); Mixing ratio: 5.5-7 liters of water / 25 kg of powder; Working time: Approx. 6 hours; Sliding (EN 1308): ≤ 0.5 mm; Open time (EN 1346): After 20 minutes ≥ 0.5 N / mm² Grouting: 8 hours on the wall; > 24 hours on the floor; Consumption: 3-5 kg ​​/ m².

Performance data: Stretch resistance (EN 1348) initially (after 28 days): ≥ 1 N / mm² after heat exposure: ≥ 1 N / mm² after immersion in water: ≥ 1 N / mm² after freeze / thaw cycles: ≥ 1 N / mm² Service interval Temperature (after final hardening): (-40 ° C) – (+ 80 ° C) Hazardous substances (EN 12004): Conforms Reaction to fire: A1 Application instructions: Surfaces must be clean, free of oil / grease stains and sufficiently dry. Cement-based substrates must be sufficiently hardened; Use TAMIRART or MASTAR 10 in case of uneven substrates to obtain a clean and flat surface. Use GYPSASTAR on anhydrite screeds; Wipe the back of the boards with water if it is dusty; Slowly pour 25 kg of GRANITECH in 5.5-7 liters of clean water and mix to obtain a homogeneous paste. It is recommended to mix at low speed. Do not add any additives that are not mentioned in the application instructions; Leave to mature for 5-10 minutes. After 1-2 minutes of remixing, the paste is ready to apply;

Spread the adhesive on the substrate with a trowel with teeth of a size appropriate to the size of the tiles. To obtain a good adhesion, first apply a thin layer of GRANITECH with the flat part of the trowel, then cut with the toothed part; When applying large boards (larger than 40×40 cm), on existing boards or those that are subject to frost or heavy traffic, GRANITECH must also be applied on the back of the boards. (Combined method); Open time is 20 minutes. Install the plates during this period with pressure. Unfavorable weather conditions (high temperature, low humidity, wind, etc.) can reduce this time by up to a few minutes. If this period is exceeded, clean and discard the adhesive; Discard the adhesive whose working time has expired. Clean tools and hands with water, surfaces with a damp cloth; Tiles installed with GRANITECH must not be submerged for at least 24 hours. Warnings: Because it contains cement, it is irritating to the eyes, respiratory system and skin. For more information, see the safety data sheet; The consumption indicated is a general information. It can be changed depending on the application conditions and the surface properties. Quality Documents: TS EN 12004, class C2T C: based on cement 2: improved T: reduces slipping Putty used in the assembly of natural stone Chit Kalekim Fugaflex / 5 kg Description: High performance, high abrasion resistance and low water absorption, improved with cement and silicone, resistant to fungi and other bacteria. For joints from 2 to 20mm.

Areas of application: For grouting floors and walls inside and outside of all types and sizes of ceramic tiles, granite, clinker, glass mosaic, marble and travertine, with joints from 2 to 20 mm; Grouting of wet places, such as swimming pools, bathrooms, showers, terraces, water tanks, kitchens; Grouting of places with sudden changes in temperature and high traffic, as well as over thermal floor installations; Properties: Less prone to dirt, easy to clean Low water absorption; Resistance to fungi and other bacteria; Approved for use in contact with water intended for human consumption; Low contraction, therefore the absence of cracks and fissures; Very good abrasion resistance; Good resistance to compression and bending, good resistance to freeze / thaw cycles; Quick cleaning; A fine and smooth surface; Resistant to ultraviolet rays. Packaging – Storage: In polyethylene bags of 5 Kg each; In multilayer paper bags of 25 Kg each; Store in a dry environment. Do not stack more than 10 bags on top of each other. * The putty can be found in a palette of 32 colors. Technical Properties: (At 23 ° C and 50% relative humidity) General data: Appearance: white or colored powder; Shelf life: 12 months, when stored in the original sealed package in a dry place. Application Data: Application temperature: (+ 5 ° C) – (+ 35 ° C); Mixing ratio: 1.2-1.35 liters of water / 5kg of powder 4.8-5.4 liters of water / 20 kg of powder; Working time: Approx. 30 minutes; Ready for light traffic: 1 day Consumption: depending on the size of the joint. Performance data: Tensile strength (EN 12808-3): ≥ 2.5 N / mm² Compression strength (EN 12808-3): ≥ 15 N / mm² Tensile strength (after frost / thaw click) (EN 12808-3): ≥ 2.5 N / mm² Compression strength (after freezing / thawing) (EN 12808-3): ≥ 15 N / mm²

Abrasion resistance (EN 12808-2): ≤ 1000 mm³ Contracting (EN-12808-4): ≤ 3mm / m Water absorption after 30min / 4 hours (EN 12808-5): ≤ 2gr / ≤ 5gr Temperature resistance: (after final hardening): (-30 ° C) – (+ 80 ° C) Application instructions: Before application, check and wait until the adhesive is completely dry; The edges of the tiles must be clean, free of dust and the depth of the joint must be at least 2/3 of the thickness of the tiles; It is recommended to use SERACARE Surface Protector before applying ULTRAFUGAFLEX on rough or porous tiles / stones for easy cleaning; Moisten the joints with clean water when using very porous ceramic tiles at high temperatures and in the presence of wind;

Slowly pour 20 kg of ULTRAFUGAFLEX in 4.8-5.4 liters of clean water and mix to obtain a homogeneous paste without lumps. It is recommended to mix with a low speed mixer. The amount of water must be measured accurately. Do not add any additives that are not mentioned in the application instructions. Excess water can cause cracking, low abrasion resistance and color defects; Allow to stand for 5-10 minutes to mature. After 1-2 minutes of remixing, the paste is ready to apply; Fill the joints completely with ULTRAFUGAFLEX using the rubber trowel, making sure that the joints are completely compacted. Remove excess ULTRAFUGAFLEX from the surface by moving diagonally across the joints; When the mixture loses its plasticity and becomes matte, usually after 10-20 minutes, clean the surface with a damp sponge diagonally over the joints. If cleaning is performed when the mixture is plastic, the joint putty can be pulled out of the joint, which leads to color variations;

Any remaining residue can be cleaned from the surface with a dry cloth; If the surface of the walls and floors is covered with ULTRAFUGAFLEX, use SERACARE Cement Remover for cleaning, at least 10 days after grouting the joints; Discard the putty whose working time has expired. Clean tools and hands with water, surfaces with a damp cloth before ULTRAFUGAFLEX hardens; When applying ULTRAFUGAFLEX in extremely hot, dry or windy weather conditions, it is recommended to moisten the joints every few hours to improve the final performance.

Warnings: Because it contains cement, it is irritating to the eyes, respiratory system and skin. For more information, see the safety data sheet. Quality Documents: TS EN 13888, class CG2WA C: based on cement G: joint putty 2: improved W: reduced water absorption A: high abrasion resistance Installation of natural stone:

  1. Before starting the cladding, make sure that the cladding surface is stable, flat, dry and perfectly clean, without impurities. Meeting these conditions guarantees the best possible contact between the adhesive and the substrate. An imperfect contact can lead in time to the detachment of the plate or even to its cracking. 2. At the time of installation, the boards must be washed and dried. The absence of impurities on the board determines a good contact between the adhesive and the board. 3. The adhesive is mixed in a bucket with the help of a mixer, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 4. The adhesive must be applied evenly both on the support surface and on the surface of the entire board. A trowel is used to apply the adhesive. 5. It is recommended to use a flexible adhesive Technoflex 1054. 6. The cutting of the plates, those that are at the ends of the surface, is done with the help of a diamond disk (related to the material used for assembly) 7. Each model has a sketch that can be found at the stone supplier from which you purchase the products or on the internet. (valid only for certain sets or models, which are sold as such) 8. Pressing the board on the adhesive layer is easy with the palm of your hand. 9. To ensure that the mounted surface is flat, a bubble level is used. 10.The adhesive that comes out from under the plate when pressed is removed with a sponge. 11.To avoid color uniformity, it is recommended to mix the tiles in different packages. The uniformity of the colors means that certain places on the floor will look like spots on relatively large surfaces due to the similar shades that sometimes the tiles in a single package can have. 12.Ideally, before mounting, the tiles can be spread on a flat surface – in a so-called pre-assembly or “cold mounting” – to see what the floor will look like after mounting. 13.Before waterproofing, the tiles are washed and allowed to dry. 14.For joint installation, normal spacers are used for any installation of natural stone, ceramic wall and floor tiles. These spacers can be found at any DIY store. 15.The putty is mixed and made in a clean bowl, according to the instructions received. 16.The putty is made with the help of the putty, and the removal of the excess putty is done with the help of a damp cloth or sponge immediately after its application so as not to dry out. Along with the removal of the putty, the uniformity, the smoothing, of the putty between the plates is achieved, for a pleasant, harmonious aspect. 17.At the end, a special waterproofing for the stone will be applied, for a better protection against liquid absorption.

Natural stone waterproofing: EPM Superior Shiner / 1 L Waterproofing Solution Description: Solvent-based waterproofing solution suitable for all types of natural stone, with penetrating absorption and permanent effect, which gives it a glossy appearance and / or wet effect. For glossy surfaces it is recommended to use EPM Superior Polisher Areas of application: Suitable for indoor and outdoor waterproofing, floor or walls, for all types of natural stone such as marble, travertine, limestone, granite, slate and cement-based tiles.

Properties: Suitable for any weather conditions, with a very high UV resistance. It offers good impermeability and good stain resistance for the applied surface. Packing: It is delivered in 1 liter bottles or in 25 kg / 50 kg plastic containers. Application instructions: Shake well and test the product on a small surface before first use. The surface for application must be dry, clean, free of dust and free of material residues. The surface to be treated must be moistened with EPM Superior Shiner by spraying or with a soft brush. If necessary, a second coat can be applied after the first coat has dried.

EMP Superior Shiner will penetrate the surface in 10-15 minutes. Remove the excess using a clean cloth or sponge. The applied surface will be ready for pedestrian traffic in 3-6 hours. The total treatment will be completed in 12-14 hours. Keep the applied surface free of dust, dry and clean. Consumption: A Superior Shiner EPM container is sufficient for the treatment of a surface from 5sqm to 15sqm (depending on the porosity of the surface, the method of application and the temperature).

  1. EPM Superior Waterstop / 1 L waterproofing solution Description: Water-based protective waterproofing with a high degree of penetration, ready to use and with a natural impregnation appearance. Its agents offer an excellent water barrier on natural stones, including granite, marble, limestone, slate, quarry slabs and terracotta. It can be used over ceramic tiles as well as natural stones. It is specially designed so that outdoor applications are always active and efficient due to the high stability of UV light and also allows the transmission of moisture vapor.

Areas of application: Suitable for interior and exterior, floor or walls, for all types of natural stone such as marble, travertine, limestone, granite, slate and cement-based tiles. Consumption: A 1L bottle is enough to treat the surface of 5-15 m2, depending on the porosity of the surface, the method of application and the temperature. Packing: It is delivered in 1 liter bottles or in 25 kg / 50 kg plastic containers.


Application instructions: Shake well and test the product on a small surface before first use. Use a soft brush or applicator sponge and rub on the surface. Usually, one treatment is enough, but if necessary, a second coat can be applied after the first coat has dried. For multi-layer applications, leave between the two applications for at least 15-30 minutes. Immediately after each coat, remove the excess amount using a clean cloth or clean sponge.


The treated surface will be ready for pedestrian traffic in 3-6 hours. The surface must remain dry for at least 12 hours, and the total drying period is 48 hours.